Delivering Value vs Fixing Core Systems

  • 2 minute read
  • 4 minute video
Brad Bennett
on August 14, 2020

Finding the Balance Between Delivering Value and Fixing Core Systems

“We need to do a core system replacement, but we also need to continue delivering value”. These were the words written above a video doing the rounds on social media recently. Matt McCormack from Cognizant and I reacted to this video in our latest episode of At Home With Interesting People.

Watch the Video…

The video itself shows a man on a Tuk Tuk changing a tyre, while the vehicle is still driving on a road. How do you do that? Well, the driver throws off the balance of the Tuk Tuk to one side so that it balances on two of the good tyres. The third flat tyre sticks into the air, allowing for a passenger to lean over and replace it. Organisations probably do a balancing act like this when they are choosing to fix their back-end systems while continuing to deliver value.

So should organisations slow down or even stop while fixing their core systems, at the expense of their front end experience? Or continue delivering value at the expense of the back end? Where’s the balance?

Matt shared some of the consequences to customers and employees if you pick the wrong balance.

“I think companies need to be very careful about focussing too much on front end experiences at the benefit of their core. I know that’s a weird thing to say but what happens and the data plays this out, is that if you build front end experiences without fixing the rest of your organisation, fundamentally two things happen…”

To hear the rest of Matt’s response, check out the video above.

And to watch the full interview with Matt, watch below…

What is ‘At Home With Interesting People’?

Now that a lot of the world is in some form of self-isolation and in-person events are problematic, EPiC thought it would be a good idea to start a new virtual event. We’ve called it ‘At Home With Interesting People’.  It’s a one-hour webinar show where EPiC chats about business agility and has fun with an interesting person, while at home.

Our first episode was with guest star, Jody Weir, Head of Agility at THE ICONIC. Watch below:

At Home with Interesting People
Agile Values
Agility Isn't Something That is Perfect
I asked our guest, Jody Weir, a hard question: Have you ever behaved in a way that was contrary to Agile values and principles in your role?
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